Return Policy

Once you click Check Out, your order begins processing and cannot be changed or cancelled. 

Returns are accepted for damaged or incorrectly sent products ONLY. Exchanges for unwanted items, are not accepted. Items that are damaged due to human misuse or damaged from regular wear & tear are not considered defective and are not eligible for refund.

Items shall be refunded or replaced if they are returned within 15 days of date of purchase of the Goods and proof of purchase (in the form of our invoice including order number) is supplied.

The procedure to be followed when returning an item is as follows:

  1. You are to send an email to explaining the nature of the damage, and providing photos clearly identifying the damage and where it is located. The invoice, order number and quantity & description of items being returned also need to be specified in the email.
  2. Once we receive your email, it will be processed and we will respond by providing you with further instructions, including how and where you need to return the item.
  3. Once the product is returned to us, we will examine the returned Goods and will notify you via e-mail within a reasonable time, of the refund (if any at all) to which you are entitled. We will process the refund due to you as soon as possible.

We do not accept the following returns:

  • Used items
  • Incomplete items (missing parts) or not in original packaging
  • Items received after 15 days from purchase.
  • Items not purchased from our website.